Recently, the term “crypto domains” has surfaced. But many people are still left wondering what exactly this means. So I’m going to fundamentally tell you what a crypto wallet is and then tell you a few ways anyone could use it.

Crypto domains are domains that anyone can use to make transactions with some cryptocurrencies.

For example, if you wanted to purchase an item from someone who accepted bitcoin, you would find or ask for their Bitcoin address and send bitcoins directly to them. This address is very long and hard to remember ranging from 26-to-35 alphanumeric characters. However, if they have a crypto domain, you don’t need to type in or read their full address. You can instead send the payment to their crypto domain.

What this looks like in the real world is instead of typing in:






Not yet

You can now type in:

buymeabeer.wallet (this domain was minted on the Polygon L2 for free watch my video here: Unstoppable Domains - Minting Domain on L2 Polygon)
deadbuffalo.crypto (which currently has no attached addresses but was minted on Etherum)

These addresses get you the same result of sending me some bitcoin or Ethereum; I turn around and buy beer with it.

The domain owner will see who is trying to send money to their domain. After receiving the money, they can use the funds for whatever they like, perform a service, or fire up a server. The possibilities are endless.

You can have any amount of your cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, associated with any other currency, product, or service. Payments can come to 1 address the site owner has set, such as highvalue.wallet (it happens to be mine but is not yet minted).

Those ideas are the most basic uses of a crypto domain; however, there are many other things that you can do with crypto domains.

What Other Uses Does a Crypto Domain Have?

There are also other uses for crypto domains that link your crypto wallets. Instead of asking someone, such as an exchange, to store your funds and give you a central location to have people pay you. You can use a crypto domain to do it for yourself.

You will have the ability to send and receive money anywhere in the world. And because you own it, no one can take away your funds or freeze them remotely. Nobody can freeze or take away your ability to host or say what you want on your crypto domain website as a side benefit.

Most importantly, it allows you to control your funds entirely. If you are worried about your security or want to send money to anyone globally, a crypto domain is one of the best ways.

Crypto Domains from Unstoppable Domains last forever as well. So you could build something that outlives yourself or your wallet.

Thinking About The Possibilities You Could:

  • run a charity
  • accept payments a business
  • setup a pay wallet for payroll
  • setup a pay wallet address as a way to fund your broke college student
  • build systems that will recognize the paying wallet and render services or ship products to the correct buyer
  • have a clearinghouse for payments
  • build an exchange
  • host NFT art
  • create a memorial site for you or a loved one
  • build escrow
  • make an influencer pay account that triggers posts or actions
  • build voting clearing houses

Anything already happening on the internet is a possibility for your Crypto Domains. The best part is that the options will only grow as more people get involved and start building more things.

There are so many uses. This list goes into infinity.

Why Would I Want A Crypto Domain?

Crypto domains are a straightforward way to make quick, secure, and anonymous transactions with cryptocurrencies. It allows you to send and receive money from anywhere in the world so that you can pay people from the comfort of your own home.

If you are interested in building Web3 technologies, crypto domains allow you to do so. Unstoppable Domains specifically makes this very easy and free right now with the Polygon minting.

The most significant factors have to do with the idea and promise that they last forever. I can build something of value that might outlast me is a very appealing idea. Beyond that, I can build websites on them and accept payment or donations. Crypto domains are an inexpensive way to participate in the cryptocurrency wave that has not even come close to its peak yet.

If you think about the benefits of a crypto wallet, this is a huge perk. With a crypto wallet, you can have all of your money stored securely in one place. As you can see, there are many advantages to having your cryptocurrency in a crypto wallet.

How Can I Get a Crypto Domain?

Before you jump in, there are a few things you should know. First, I talk about Unstoppable Domains; I do this because I believe in the project and love the concept. They are the only crypto domains right now that you can own forever. The idea of owning a crypto domain forever makes sense. Having the contracts revert or run again and remove ownership if you don’t pay a yearly bill seems arbitrary.

I really hope other crypto domains adopt this idea of forever ownership!

I also am promoting Unstoppable Domains because I get a percentage of each sale I bring to the company. Before I start telling you how to get a crypto domain, I want you to know this because you might hear about the other options and wonder why I didn’t tell you about ENS and .eth domains? Or why didn’t I bring up handshake and all the exciting things they are doing with root certificates.

First, ENS has a yearly renewal fee. And I hate that. You might as well buy an old-fashioned .com (which I sell: EasyToGetMy.Com).

Second, handshake is not for the faint of heart if you are ready to get serious enough to go down the HNS road. More power to you. I’m personally not there yet.

Unstoppable Domains is straightforward.

  1. Visit Unstoppable Domains (affiliate link)
  2. Search for the domain you would like to purchase
  3. Add it to your cart
  4. Choose your method to pay
  5. Pay
  6. Link your crypto wallet to claim your domain and edit your domain details

I hope this article was helpful, and if you get a crypto domain, please tell me about it in the comments below!

Also, I am interested in talking to anyone who gets a handshake (HNS) domain or has experience with handshake. I want to try it out.

If you want to get one of these domains and find this article helpful, use my link, and I will get a referral. It costs you nothing extra and helps support this site.

If you have any questions or want to learn more about this topic, please comment.