Spencer’s Page

In this section, you will find quick links to domains, freebies, and other things that should be helpful. I’m an affiliate for most of these, so I get a small amount of money for referring you, which helps support the site but does not cost you anything extra. Below this section, you will find more information about me.

About Spencer

Currently, I work in IT, and I love learning and sharing new things. When Bitcoin first came around, I was talking and reading about it before it officially launched. I was constantly a bit paranoid about making connections; I never got to know anyone in the space. Still, I did annoy my friends and family to the point that they actually banned me from talking about Bitcoin.

My talking points pretty much only consisted of, “you need to buy this.” Because I lacked the connections online, it was 2013 before I got my first bit of Bitcoin by mining. So I missed the millionaire train, but I’m still an enthusiast through and through.


About this Site

Cryptocurrency is the future. I still think we have privacy as a top issue, but I believe we will get there. I started this site to teach myself more about cryptocurrency and make an effort to help educate others along the way. Please check out my articles and let me know what you think.

Other Content

I write on a few other sites. For work, I write on Techsico.IT, and for fun, I write about Food at FoodieResults.com. But I’m assuming you’re here for the crypto content, so please stick around and leave a comment and say, “hi!”

Have Questions? Contact Me Now!

If you have some questions you would like answered or butchered by a complete amateur. Use the form below.