Cryptocurrency is full of confusing things, and in a lot of places, you can find similarly named projects that have nothing to do with each other. I dug into whether the Pi Network is related to the Pi Phone.


Answer: No. These projects are not related. I have some bad news if you are a fan of the antics of Elon Musk and the possibility of an industry-changing phone. It is not accurate. No official announcement or other news indicates that Tesla intends to release a Pi Phone.

There are plenty of rumors and theories surrounding the Pi phone, as in the number Pi (π aka. ~3.14159265359). However, nothing is substantiated except that the Pi Network and Pi Phone share only the number Pi’s famousness.

I have done limited research on these two topics and if you would like to find out more about each, keep reading.

What is Pi Network?

Billing itself as the first cryptocurrency minable on the phone, Pi Network is designed to be easily accessible by the world at large. However, access to clear and concise information about the project is not easy to find. Reading through the Pi website and Pi whitepaper had left me more confused than when I started.

Additionally, when you download the app, you need to find someone already on the network to let you into the network.

Last, there is no current way to cash out. Many different things reference the wait for “Phase 3” so that people can get to the point of withdrawing their Pi. However, many on Reddit and other places express doubt this will ever happen. I’m not making a recommendation either, only stressing that you should do your own in-depth research.

Since mined on the phone, if you do not mind the possible data harvesting and ding to your battery, it may not be that big of a loss if it never pans out, but again please research this before you decide.

What is the Tesla Pi Phone?

At the time of writing, the Tesla Pi Phone is a fictitious creation by an artist going by adrstudiodesign on YouTube. You can find the original video here.

The concept is something that we have come to expect from Elon Musk, but at this point, it is a no-go. You may still enjoy watching the video. AS MANY ARE CALLING, model P Phone or Pi Phone has everything you could ever want from a Tesla phone.

Insanely good camera, Nuralink capabilities, Starlink, and crypto mining of something called Marscoin.

What Cryptocurrency Can I Mine On My Phone?

I have a featured article I’m working on for this topic, and you have to remember that phones are not ideal candidates for mining a cryptocurrency. Any mining activities will drain your battery and potentially overheat your phone. However, since some people only have access to a phone, I can completely understand why many people worldwide would want to attempt this.

So here is a shortlist of apps you can use to mine cryptocurrency (excluding the Pi Network, as mentioned earlier). I’M NOT ENDORSING ANY PROJECTS OR APPS LISTED ON THIS PAGE!!!

*It appears all mining apps are no longer available on the Play Store!

  1. MinerGate Mobile Miner – you must download the APK and sideload this app to use it. It is not recommended for that reason.
  2. Bitcoin Miner from Source – to use, you must download the bitcoin project and build it for your android phone.
  3. Bitcoin Miner App – like MinerGate, since Play Store has removed these, you must sideload an APK, and I recommend not doing this.

During past research, I found many other apps listed. However, there are not that many listed now. When I write my featured article, I will link it back here.

This leads us to a more critical question. Keep reading to find out other ways to make crypto using your phone when you have little capital to start.

Should I Mine Cryptocurrency With My Phone?

No, it would be best to consider all of the other things that you could do with your phone that would allow you to buy cryptocurrency instead.

Anyone in the world with the internet and phone can do many things to earn money and purchase cryptocurrency. However, most people think they can have private passive income if they mine on their phones. This makes a lot of sense if you live where power is expensive or hard to come by, but you can charge a phone using solar panels.

It also makes a lot of sense in situations where you do not own the shared space that would allow you to use a computer or set up other mining equipment.

However, you could use your phone to make other money to turn into passive income by purchasing cloud mining or investing in mining projects.

For instance, Josh Terry from TikTok has a mining investment available on Wefunder. Investing in anything like this is very risky but will likely have better upside than mining on your phone which we know will kill your battery and performance.

You were speaking of investment. Have you ever thought of starting your own project? It is not that far-fetched of an idea to start a token or build a Deapp.

If you are still unsure, I recommend checking out something like Fiverr or one of the many other options that will let you do simple tasks and get paid for them. You can even automate some of them if you are smart.

For instance, color correction on pictures or adding text to images is quickly done with a phone, but people are willing to pay for it because they either don’t know how or want to work with someone to ask for exactly what they want.

Many people are making good money removing backgrounds from pictures using free apps to do the work.

Where Can I Learn More?

I’ve given you a few things to think about in your journey to earning crypto and curiosity about the Model Pi (Model P) Phone and the Pi Network. We also looked at other options to explore when thinking about mining on your phone. However, if you want to be a true winner in crypto, you need to think outside the box and try to learn and earn in ways that other people are not. If you want to learn more, please leave a comment and ask any questions. I will do my best to answer.