What Is Dollar-Cost Averaging or DCA?

What Is Dollar-Cost Averaging or DCA?

When I started learning about investing, I kept seeing people say, “you should be DCA’ing,” or “you need a solid DCA strategy.” For about 30 min after asking a mischievous friend, I thought this was Direct Call Action, and he had me...
.wallet The New Username Standard

.wallet The New Username Standard

Announced today, Oct. 5th, 2021, is exciting news about .wallet and its adoption as a username standard across 30+ crypto wallet providers for anyone using Unstoppable Domains’ simple, readable, and easy to remember .wallet addresses as “.wallet”...

What Are Crypto Domains? (NFT Domains)

When I first heard about crypto domains, aka NFT domains, I was kind of confused. And after over $600, I’m a little closer to understanding what they are. In this article, I will answer the question as best as possible. Answer: Crypto Domains, also called NFT...
Crypto Domains: What Are They?

Crypto Domains: What Are They?

Recently, the term “crypto domains” has surfaced. But many people are still left wondering what exactly this means. So I’m going to fundamentally tell you what a crypto wallet is and then tell you a few ways anyone could use it. Crypto domains are...
What is Cryptocurrency

What is Cryptocurrency

If you came here wondering, “what is cryptocurrency?” Let me start by telling you a little about myself. I first read the Bitcoin whitepaper back in 2009. I played poker professionally at the time and spent a large part of my days learning about technology...