LTL and Cryptocurrency What Does It Mean?

Learning more about blockchain and cryptocurrency can leave one with many questions about terms and often leaves me with a much longer list of things to look up at the end of the night than I started with. Let’s look at LTL and its relation to cryptocurrency and...
Are Unstoppable Domains Really Lifetime?

Are Unstoppable Domains Really Lifetime?

I first started buying domains 20 years ago. I had lost those original domains because I was in high school and didn’t have a good plan for the future. So when I heard about Unstoppable domains, the first thing that caught my eye was the promise of...
What Is Dollar-Cost Averaging or DCA?

What Is Dollar-Cost Averaging or DCA?

When I started learning about investing, I kept seeing people say, “you should be DCA’ing,” or “you need a solid DCA strategy.” For about 30 min after asking a mischievous friend, I thought this was Direct Call Action, and he had me...
.wallet The New Username Standard

.wallet The New Username Standard

Announced today, Oct. 5th, 2021, is exciting news about .wallet and its adoption as a username standard across 30+ crypto wallet providers for anyone using Unstoppable Domains’ simple, readable, and easy to remember .wallet addresses as “.wallet”...